Blink and you'll miss it

Our children are only children for a short time and these days that window seems to be getting even briefer. One of the reasons I got back into taking pictures (from having dabbled with photography on and off for a number of years, the last flirtation being in 2003) was to record that window as best I could. It's also one of the reasons I called this site what I did (that and the fact that 'Blade Runner' has always been my favourite film even from before when it was cool to say that).

We have some friends we haven’t seen for probably over a year. Their son, Albie, is the same age as our eldest and while we keep up on social media, life of late really has taken over. So when the other day they did a very sweet and charitable thing for me, quite out of the blue and in response to a tongue in cheek comment I’d made on Facebook, I wanted to find a way to say thank you that was a bit more sincere than just food or wine.

About 18 months ago the Tour of Britain passed through Horsham and being keen cyclists, our friends and I went to watch the race. I had my camera with me and among the pictures I got was a half decent one of Albie, waiting pensively for the peloton to race through. I thought I would do a new edit of that picture to see if I could produce something that would be worthy of printing and keeping and this is the result. It works much better in B&W and makes a lovely print.

It’s one of those moments to have a record of. We went round for lunch today and caught up properly. Apart from how much the boys have grown in such a short space of time, I was struck by how much their life had changed in that time to. Jobs lost and found, reconciliations made within their family that had been broken for 19 years, boys getting bigger, life moving on.

The picture is just a picture but it was also the reason to reconnect and catch up.